At 21 I married, it lasted 7 years. Good man, good husband, just too young to know that at the time. For 10 years I enjoyed the single life, dated, traveled and lived in a few different cities (Durango,Denver,Golden, Co. and Middlebury, In.)
At about the 10 year mark and approaching 40 I decided that I was ready to get married again. My plan was to stop wasting time and only date a man that I considered marriage material. NOT so easy!!
So I turned to GOD. I've always believed that you should only pray for others in need or for his will of what is best. Well this time I decided to be a little selfish and I prayed for a husband. Like most women I had my 'list' of what I wanted in a man. So I wouldn't take up all God's day with my list of the perfect man, I thought of the only man I knew that was a perfect husband. My uncle Sam, and I simply prayed..."I want a 'Sam'".
Well one day I was headed to work on a flight from Denver to San Francisco. I remember this day so well. It was a Sunday and I didn't want to go to work. I didn't usually work weekends and this was an early morning flight and I just wanted to sleep in. I finally managed to get my butt out of bed and made my way to the airport. I was deadheading and looking forward to a first class seat so I could relax, eat and sleep. I got my ticket, row 30!!!! WHAT!!!!
I made my way to my seat. It's a window. This flight is continuing on to Hong Kong and a man from there sits next to me. I'm a people watcher so I like to watch people board and put their things away. I always found it fascinating how one person can put their bag away with ease while another person with the same size bag struggles.
I saw a man walking down the aisle and I watched him stow his bag. I was drawn to him. Not in the "Hubba Hubba kinda way" but in a way that told me I NEEDED to talk to him. He sat in my row with the man from Hong Kong between us. I tried to make eye contact. That was not working so I gave up on this urge and went to sleep.
When I woke up the urge was so strong it was kinda freaking me out. I got up to get coffee and wake him in the process. I thought of spilling my coffee in his lap when I came back, that might start a conversation.
I made my way back to my seat. He was awake now and looked at me. I stuttered, 'This coffee sucks'!! He smiled. I ask him where he was going. He said Hong Kong. I thought "Wow this biker looking guy is going to Hong Kong". He told me he works over there, that he lives in Casper, Wy and his name is Charlie.
I told him that I used to live in Cody, Wy and I have a girlfriend in Casper that I haven't talk to in over 2 years. He knows her and works with her husband. He asks me if I knew Tony his brother-in-law. I said YES he was in my wedding. And after my divorce I was roommates with his brother Michael.
We laughed at what a small world it is. Over 400 people on that plane and we sat next to each other. He told me about his wife and son and how happy they make him. I told him I was looking for a good man. He asks me if I knew Tony and Micheal's brother SAM.
I totally got chills over my whole body. I said no I've never met him. He gave me Sam's e-mail and told me that when he came back in 30 days that we all should get together for dinner.( little did we both know I'd be engaged by the time he got back)
When the plane landed I immediately called my girlfriend in Casper that I hadn't talked to in over 2 years and told her this story. She said "OMG you guys would be perfect together" and started planning the wedding. Then she said "You do know he lives with his parents". My heart sank. A 40 year old man living at home with his parents screams "Loser".
In my shallow single days that would have been a problem but I felt God's hand in this and wanted to see it through. I e-mailed Sam. 'Dear Future Husband'...Ok not really. I wrote: You don't know me but I know both your brothers and parents. I met Charlie on a flight who is playing match maker and I'm game if you are.
On Sam's end his friends had been trying to fix him up for years and he was never interested but for some reason he was excited by my e-mail.
He called me on Wednesday and we chatted about the people we knew and our lives. He tells me now he fell in love with me during that first phone conversation. (CHEESY)
I agreed to fly to Casper on Friday. My girlfriend picked me up and we went to meet Sam(my future husband) and Charlie's wife.(now my good friend)
By Saturday I'm having dinner with his family. Sunday I went to Charlie's house to watch the Super Bowl. It was very weird to be sitting in the house of a man I met on a plane only a week earlier and who was still in Hong Kong.
The weekend we met. February 1, 2008 Super Bowl weekend.
The next weekend I flew back to Casper and we all went bowling. When he dropped me off at my hotel, he said "You know I would marry you tomorrow". I sat there stunned. We hadn't even kissed yet! Then I said "OK". I don't think he meant to ask me to marry him.
We were not in a hurry to get married but in a hurry to start our future. We wanted to buy a home, maybe have a baby and get started with Happily Ever After. We were planning a Hawaii wedding at the end of the year. But the more I thought about it the more I just wanted all that wedding money to go to the house we were planning on buying.
So one day when we were in Colorado. We went to see about a license. It was 10 dollars. We bought one. We thought we would get a justice of the peace and go up to look out mountain in Golden, Co and get married.
The lady behind the desk told us in the state of Colorado you can marry yourself. If we signed it and brought it back then we would be married!!!
We went to buy a ring and right there in the store we decided to sign the paper. March 14 2008. 45 days after meeting SAM, I married him.
Had I known when I woke up that morning that I would be getting married, I might have reconsidered my outfit.
This story is written for our son Rains Jacob Kaul about how his mommy prayed for his daddy and her prayers were answered.

Oh, Michell! What an absolutely beautiful love story! That last sentence gave me goose bumps! Further proof that when you ask something of the Lord in earnest, he does answer prayers! Your story is VERY similar to mine. Someday I'll share it with you. Michell, I ♥ you! (In a Christian sort of way)I don't know you, but I just know you are a good human being.
p.s. I had also been meaning to tell you, but I didn't want it to sound bad or anything, but I think your Hubby is VERY handsome! And since you're beautiful yourself, you'll make an AWESOME couple!
Thank you so much...Yes that last sentence makes me cry and my husband laugh!! I had to proof read 100 times to get all my spelling and grammar some what readable and every time at the last sentence I cried!!
That was beautiful and wonderful and it made me cry. In this world full of negative and terrible news this is sooo refreshing! May your marriage and your magical lives together be blessed! Jenn
Jen..Thank you for your comment..In spirit of Valentine's Day, I wrote my son this story of how his dad and I met. I think we should all take the time to write this story to our child and put it away for their future.
Yaya....I soooo agree with you my husband is VERY handsome and I told him you said so...I wish I could have captured his blush on camera:)
Hello! Thanks for visiting and "falling into" my blog ... and for following!!! So nice to "meet" you ... and I just LOVE your love story. Wonderful.
I peeked at your possible upcoming blogging ideas, and am looking forward to some pointers on selling on Ebay!
Hey, Michell, about that whole grammar and spelling thang? I think you're doing just FINE. Your story brought a tear to my eye. Absolutely beautiful. (I haven't gotten the courage to put some of my stories on a blog just yet, but I think my old friend just gave me a bit of inspiration. Much love!---Lisa BC)
This is the CRAZIEST, most romantic meeting-up story I've ever heard! I hope you are always this happy!
What an awesome story!
Wow...i never knew the whole story. Love it, love it !! I, too, had a similar story with Rob....found him again after 21+ years !! He asked me to marry him right off the bat too. He asked me again on new years eve and now we are planning a 10-10-10 date ! Maybe we need to fly to colorado and just DO IT already ! LOL ! BTW...this is your cousin shelley !
Michell, The story of how you prayed for your husband and how you met is absolutely beautiful. You are so blessed and so lucky to have found each other. Thanks for sharing this story.(I say this with tears streaming down my face) Cheryl Bravo
How amazing! i'm getting married in March for the first time. i knew that he was the right one the first date also. he was the immediate answer to a prayer (I'd say less than 60 seconds after the prayer I got a message on facebook from Scott)
congratulations on finding the man of your dreams.
Following from MBC
That is the sweetest story! It put tears in my eyes! God is so good isn't he??
Following from CM
I LOVE your story! It gave me chills! You got your Sam, I am so happy for you and your happily ever after!
This is just AWESOME! While browsing your blog for baby pics I just had to stop and read this post. in
I was browsing blogs for decorating tips and yours caught my eye...I love your LOVE story , Congratulations !!
OMG! Fabulous story!
I have been following your blog for a few months, just happened across this post tonight. Very sweet story, I love it. Isn't that funny about the Colorado law? I have a friend who found out about this while she was planning her wedding, so they secretly got married a few months before the wedding, "just to be sure nothing went wrong." Whatever that meant!
I came across your blog from MBC... for some reason I found myself on this amazing 'love story'! I got goose bumps while reading it! I am also 40 and had been in a very long previous marriage w/children. I feel the same way about my current significant other which whom I have a 4 YOS with. However, I give you kudos for getting remarried -- I have not crossed that bridge again yet!!! I wish you all a very Happy Ever After!!
PS Love your home makeover projects as well!!
Stop by and say Hi if you get a minute.
aka Bizee Mama
A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. story. Wishing your family the best. Many, many, many years of happiness :)
Came to your blog via you shutter headboard tutorial. Love your story. so awesome!! Prayers are definitely answered. I had a similar experience meeting my husband. I knew all of his family but had never met him until I was an adult. From first date to wedding it was 7 months. 8 years & 3 kids later, it still amazes me how lucky I am to have him.
WOW! I just got chills! Isn't it amazing and isn't GOD amazing in the way he brings people into our lives? I loved reading your story! I am a new follower of your blog and I'm loving it! :]
I am so glad I am not the only one who has the, "If only I would have known I was getting married that day I would have put on something else!!" My husband and I had been living together for over a year and got engaged. We planned a wonderful wedding with all of our family planning to come to see it on Jan. 4, 2003. December 26, 2002 my fiance, who was in the National Guard at the time, got a call that changed it all!! The man on the other end of the phone said "Be here tomorrow morning at 10, we are being deployed." Luckily we had already gotten our marriage license because there is a 3 day waiting period in Florida. We didn't think about anything else, we jumped in the car and took off. Me wearing a fake high school shirt I had bought at Sam's Club that said, "Fighting Crabs." The pictures from that day are terrible, my face is all swollen and red from all of the crying, but all that matter is I married my best friend while I still had a chance. 8 years later, we are still best friends and now have 2 gorgeous babies! It never matters how it happens, all that matters is it happens! Good luck to you and your "Sam!"
Hello! I'm a brand new follower (and a sucker for Love Stories)! Yours is AWESOME!
You made me cry :~)
Thank you, so much!
i had to comment on this...i met my husband online...the funny thing is that he graduated the year that i was finishing my 7th grade year in middle school...we went to the same high school but barely missed each other...i never knew him while he lived here...when we ran across each other online he lived in a different town...both of us had previous bad marriages...we met around the end of october and were married the 1st part of december...we are such risk takers! we are almost 3 years later...i'm very happy...i just happened to be looking at your blog and this post was at the bottom of the page...great story!
Wow! I was just searching around for some cow print ideas for children's furniture (I repurpose and paint old furniture and resell it)...I wasn't expecting such a cool story!! I prayed to God for my husband too, so I know where you're coming from. I wish you much happiness!!!
I was looking for something on Pinterest and ran across this post. I could not believe what I was reading. My husband and I waited 64 days, but the whole "I'd marry you tomorrow" thing happened and everything. Wow. :)
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