I've never written a blog but I've always admired the women that do...I never thought I had the time and I'm a TERRIBLE speller so bad that spell check can't even figure out what I'm trying to say and I always thought that that would just make me come across as stupid..LOL So with that said a warning to readers this blog is created without the use of an editor or hooked on phonics.
But here goes....let me introduce myself in case I do get a few folks reading this....I'm Michell I'll be 40 in April and I have an 18 and 16 year old daughters....I met a great man in Feb 08 married him 45 days later (that's not a typo) and now we have a beautiful 5 month old baby. I was a flight attendant for 10years. I recently quit to stay home with my son.
I wanted to feel like I'm contributing to the family so I started clipping coupons. It's so fun to go to the store and pay $109 for 2 weeks of groceries and SAVE $145. My goal is to be that lady that holds up the line with her coupons and buys $200 in groceries with a dime. LOL It's easy, I found a website that does everything for you, tells you what's on sale like Target, Walmart and other stores and what coupon to use to get it for free...VERY time saving
Also that web site post FREE SAMPLES everyday so you can sign up for the things you would use or wanta try....I now have to go to the mailbox with a bag to carry all my mail home everyday from the stuff I get....it's like CHRISTMAS at the mailbox
Next I found SWAGBUCKS and I am in HEAVEN!!!!! Talk about FREE.....in the month I signed up I got a $25 amazon gift card that I bought my son a TAGGIE with, a starbucks card cause I'm WAY to cheap to buy that with my own money, a t shirt and purse....NO LIE!!!! All for little time and free I have pics on my facebook page, I'll put some on here soon. Also SWAGBUCKS has a fan page on facebook so you can get questions about it answered and chat with others about prizes..Trust me it's for real......Here is what my husband explained to me, cause I couldn't understand how that was possible giving so many FREE PRIZES away

MY WINNINGS FROM SWAGBUCKS (purse,t-shirt,$25amazonGC on computer)
Well it's a search and win web site.....you use it instead of google to search the web....like your baby's rash or a recipe for dinner and you WIN a "buck"....well search engine sites make MILLIONS a day for our searches and they sell what we are searching to companies...other ways to WIN a "buck" is trading in old phones and games or referring your friends or finding codes in fun hunts they have and also you can shop and earn.....like buying a crib at walmart but going thur their site and you earn 1 buck for every $5 you spend.....it's everything we do anyway but now you can get rewarded. It's just making a new habit for searching and shopping online.
You won't get rich..but all your "bucks" add up so fast..it's just a little something that helps out and it's so fun:) So sign up when you get a chance you won't regret it. http://www.swagbacks.com/refer/girlinair

I'm been BURSTING inside with all my thrifty things I'm doing and want to share and help others do the same. I have tons of others things I do to but I'll save that for another day. Anyone with questions do feel free to contact me

Some good links, and Swagbucks can really make your online shopping easier, and cheaper.
I won't post my link, but I'm getting $25 a month from Amazon thanks to Swagbucks.
Michelle, your blog is LOOKING GOOD! And your background is so pretty. You're on your way, girl!
Wow! I love your blog! You did a really good job. I am going to try out the freebie site. If I wasn't already using swagbucks,after reading this, I would have signed up. I LOVE GETING FREE STUFF!
Hi Michelle,
Good luck with your blog and welcome aboard the blogger train. I'll bet it is cold in Caper :)
Bob! I'm so glad you joined me in visiting Michelle's blog. Thank you!
You will love this blogging thing. You have a topic everyone loves. You and Yaya have definitely won me over to SwagBucks.
Cindy (TufaGirl)
Wow, you sure are good at money saving tips! Just found you thru YaYa's blog and I'll be back to read what you're up to. And that's so awesome that you knew you wanted to marry your guy in only 45 days!
Hello, Michelle! I find my way here via YaYa Orchid... Welcome to blogland! You have a great start here... We could all use money-saving tips, so I appreciate this post so much. Thank you for sharing! :o)
Thank you all for your warm welcome..I'm living in a Blog World that I never knew existed can't wait to explore more blogs, make more friends, and share more ideas. Today I was ask if I wanted to host a product party and I said " NO I don't have anyone to invite cause all my friends live in the virtual world" I'm in love and his name is "BLOG". How did this happen to me??? Special thank you to YAYAORCHID...You are an Angel!!!
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