Shades of Amber {the Colorado Stockist of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint} is kind of enough to give TWO of my readers an introductory chalk paint kit!
The kit includes:
- 1 quart of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint of your choice
- Annie Sloan Soft Wax~Clear
- Quick and Easy Paint Transformation Book
You can read my review and how I used this fabulous paint HERE
Annie Sloan paint is sold throughout the U.S. and Canada via select stockist.....
to save shipping you can find your local stockist HERE
I purchase my chalk paint from Shades of Amber and you can too HERE
Shades of Amber are informative and helpful with every paint purchase.
They also have a chalk paint Q&A on their blog and offer hands on workshops.
I hope to attend one someday and share all that info on this blog.

Can't wait to try that technique!
So now you know all you ever wanted about chalk paint from all the linked resources....
NOW how about a chance to WIN some........
Winners will be chosen via
with the second winner picked from the 7th entry comments.
How to Enter:
- Must be a follower of this blog:-)
- Visit Shades of Amber and tell me your favorite shade
- Follow the Shades of Amber Blog
- Follow Shades of Amber on Facbook
- Share this giveaway on Twitter
- Share this giveaway on Facebook {share button at button of post}
- Tell me what you would refurbish and let me share your tutorial on this blog. {2nd winner will be chosen from this entry}
Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
{ This giveaway is open to the US ONLY and will run through midnight on JULY 12th,
with the winner being announced the morning of JULY 13th
Winner will be chosen using from all valid entries and notified via email. Shades of Amber will provide shipping to the winner.}
Giveaway is now CLOSED!
Thank you to all the entered....winner will be announced shortly
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Provence is definitely my favorite shade by far.
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I would definitely refurbish the dresser that I got from my Mom and Dad this spring. I keep staring at it, trying to decide what color I want to paint it. This paint would definitely take care of that problem!!!
I'm a happy follower! :-)
My fave shade is duck egg blue
I can't decide - I like so many!! Country grey, cream or versailles!!
I follow Shades of Amber on Facebook (Kathie Perez)
I am in search of dressers for our master bed room as well as both my boys rooms to redo!
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I think I would pick the white... but I'd also love the Napoleonic Blue to do my boy's dressers with!
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My favorite shade is Old White.
I love them ALL but I think that Old Ochre would look great on my dining set! :)
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I shared on Twitter! @marias_handmade
I would love the cream of chalk paint :)
The previous owners of my house left behind some old wooden chairs that I found quite unique, but old and I never knew what to do with them or how to dress them up a bit. I'd love to try this chalk paint on them to see how they'd turn out. Hopefully I win the chance to try it out and that it works well - so, I can convince my husband that I didn't make him hang on to those chairs for 2 years for nothing. haha
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I liked Shades of Amber of FB, Kassandra W
I have a corner accent table with a drawer and a door that is just BEGGING to be refinished and updated and....I can't WAIT to do it and share my tutorial with you!!!! My table thanks you for the opportunity to win a badly needed makeover! :) (Her roots are showing...badly!)
I would use the paint to finish this kitchen hutch that I'm partly building and I would be overly excited to share it on your blog. I would attempt to do cart wheels, but I suck at them so hahah!
I can't believe as much as I love your blog I was not before a follower. I guess you were on my favorite list and always checked you out that way. Well, now I am officially a follower/stalker. :)
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I manage to do all 7 of your requirements. Had to learn Twitter. Anyhow I just bought a wooden cart for my machine knitting tools. It has seen better days and I'd like to update the color. I liked either aries or olive. No aries. No olive. I think I'll go with Aries the orangeish color.
It is hard to pick...I LOVE the Old Ochre Chalk Paint and the Country Grey Chalk Paint. I am thinking what would look good in my bedroom for two dressers I have. Thanks so much for an awesome giveaway!!
Old White would be my go to all the colors!
I shared the link on Facebook.
I now follow Shades of Amber. They just showed the Old Ochre Paint and now that is my favorite!!! So pretty!
I follow your blog. Thanks for a chance to win.
I'm a follower of your blog ... and I'm DYING to try this paint!
I would love to try duck egg, or Aubusson blue!
I follow Shades of Amber's blog
The colors are so beautiful ... I love the Greek Blue.
I liked them on Facebook!
My fav color is the louis blue color. Thanks for a chance to win.
I'm a GFC follower!
vdq8522(at)aol(dot)com Thanks!
I tweeted about this giveaway! @alwaysnwonder
My favorite shade is a toss up between the Aubusson and Olive.
Awesomeness! Id redo our dresser and mirror for our future nursery in Old Ochre (the furniture already has a nice blue which would serve as a undercoat and would be distressed to show through.)
I have some built in cabinets in the basement that are in desparate need of a makeover. This paint would make them look much better!
I would love to redo my antique dresser, or a sofa table I have, or my son's dresser...I would love to paint so many things!
I follow your blog and do furniture refinishing too. Would love to try Annie Sloan Paint!! Thank you!
I became a follower of Shades of Amber thru Google Reader today. Thanks for a chance to win.
I follow your blog!
My favorite shade of chalk paint is old white.
shared on facebook & twitter
Of COURSE I follow you!
Following Shades of Amber's Blog- so looking forward to more great chalk paint ideas. ;)
Hands down- duck egg blue- my fave!
I 'like' SOA on Facebook and left them a little love. ;)
I tweeted @fairlyfabulous1
Hmmm-OK, so I am running out of furniture in my house to refinish. My dresser is last, but I already have plans for it- SOOO- I'd either REDO my girls two dressers or go shopping for something new and fun to play with- and by shopping I mean find an amazing thrifted piece to make new again! PS DUH- YES share my tutorial- but first I have to win. Muuahhh!
I'm a follower!!
I would choose the Paris Grey!
I follow you! Such wonderful ideas!
It is a total toss up between Louis Blue & Parisian Grey - I guess I am in a French kinda mood!
I'm following Shades of Amber!
Today, I found a free, heavy duty dresser and side tables that I said I was going to redo!!! This paint would look beautiful on them!!
I now Like Shades of Amber on FB, too!
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I found this awesome old childrens school desk and I was to make it over for my son!
I follow! Have loved seeing your projects! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love Greek blue :)
Love the greek blue!
Subscribed to shades of amber through google!
Following your blog!!
Visited Shades of Amber! I love the graphite color!
Following Shades of Amber on Facebook, too! :) Can you tell I'm dying to get some of this paint. I was just daydreaming about it this morning! Love your blog, BTW!
If I win this giveaway, I'm going to refurbish a piece of furniture I find at the Raleigh Flea Market. If you visit my blog, you'll see how much I'm dying to find a piece there and give it a makeover. I promise you won't be disappointed! Check out my blog again, too, if you have time! I do great tutorials! ;)! Please, pick me!! Pretty please!
Posted all about it on twitter!! :)
And posted all about it on Facebook with a link back to your blog! :)
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I have been DYING to try this stuff. I think it is kismet in some way that we just found each others blogs just so I can win...and perhaps so we could trade horror stories of the airline industry! :)
I am torn between Paris Grey, Duck Egg, and Chateau Grey!! They all look so lovely...
I have a HUGE vintage buffet that I have been meaning to paint. I am a bit overwhelmed by its size but I hear this paint is super easy to work with so perhaps this could be the right time to get down to the nitty gritty and give her a full makeover! :) You are more than welcome to share whatever project I come up with! :0
I adore Scandinavian Pink Chalk Paint. Would be perfect for my nightstand!
I'm a follower of GITA!
Scissors & Spatulas
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Scissors & Spatulas
I follow you girl!
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What wouldn't I finish in this paint?! LOL! Hmmmm, the first thing that comes to my mind is my piano, but not quite sure if I have the nerve. But I do have a $5 garage sale sewing table and a Goodwill caned chair in that garage waiting to be painted for my new craft room! ;)
Scissors & Spatulas
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I have been waiting for some inspiration for my estate sale dining chairs ($5 a pop!) I just recovered the seats with gray and white chevron print but the chairs need some cute paint. I'm thinking either Duck Egg Blue or maybe graphite chalk paint!!!
Who knows maybe I'll even work the dining table into the mix!
Also, I follow your blog!
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I have the bottom section of a hutch that I'm using for a TV stand. I'd love to do a tutorial for you using the chalk paint! I've already asked my FB community how I should paint it because it is so shiny and the over-all consensus was to use Anne Sloan's Chalk Paint! I can't wait to try it!
Susan @
Already a follower!! And I love your blog!! Thanks for this awesome chance to win some awesome new paint!!
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I am loving the color Old Violet!!
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I would LOVE to try out this paint on some of my second hand store purchases of wooden frames. I love taking old picture frames (bigger then 8x10), gutting them and refinishing them. I usually add some chicken wire to them. Everyone loves them!! Thanks for all these chances at winning some of them paint!!
Old White would be my color of choice.
I am already a follower of Shades of Amber.
Provence or duck egg blue......I want to win this soooooo bad.
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I think my first project would my grandmother's cedar chest. It doesn't look good in it's current state. I love this piece of furniture because of the memories I had with my grandmother.
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Amber on Facebook.
We have a piece of furniture (a cabinet-type thingy) that has been in my husband's family forever. I can't get rid of it but I do have permission to do whatever I want with it and I think chalk paint is exactly what it needs to make it fit into our home and not look like the "black sheep" of furniture.
I love the duck egg blue. Thanks for a great giveaway!!!
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I have a bookshelf and wood framed mirror that I got from a garage sale! I am dying to make them over and have them match!
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I love the classic white chalk paint but a fun green or the Greek blue would be cool to play around with!
I follow you and would so thrilled to win!!!! :)
Choosing a color is so hard cause they are all so cool. I think "Duck Egg Blue" is at the head of the least for the moment :)
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Follow Shades of Amber blog :)
I would probably pick the Aubusson Blue or Paris Gray. What awesome paint!
Just started officially following your blog!
Paris Grey, Emile or both!
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~Bec :-)
I think if I had to pick ONE color, it would have to be Old White. :-)
~Bec :-)
I would be painting my old desk (from when I was a little girl!) - I need to give in a sprucin' up before adding it to my mom cave ... and yes, I'd love for you to post about it on your blog!
~Bec :-)
I rescued a vintage dresser from a roadside pile of broken furniture last year - it has all the strike plates & the original glass knobs. I'd give it a Union Jack facelift and stain the top.
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Primer Red is my favorite color! Love high bright it is!!
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I follow Shades of Amber's Blog :)
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I love the #1023 Versailles Chalk Paint ... totally the kind of color I'm looking for for my downstairs bathroom!!!
I tweeted @angelamhunt
I tweeted:!/goodgirlgonered/status/85493190135779328
I follow you:)
It's a toss up between Paris Grey and Duck Egg Blue...
Just started following the Shades of Amber blog!
I have a small sofa table that I would refinish if I won!
I totally have a nightstand in our guest bedroom that has horrible "glass" stains on it from when hubby would leave a beverage there overnight and the condensation would kill it. I would start there and then hit the dresser in that room if it's as easy as you make it seem. ;)
Sharing this giveaway on FB
I'm a follower. I would love to try Chalk Paint.
I am so excited about your giveaway!! of course I follow your blog!!! :-) xoxo
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Stacey of Embracing Change
I follow Shades of Amber!
Stacey of Embracing Change
I would love to try Provence!
Stacey of Embracing Change
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Stacey of Embracing Change
I have a desk in my bedroom I wish to redo - some paint, some stain and she will be made all new again! My husband wants something masculine...we'll see about that!
Stacey of Embracing Change
ps - please DO feature this project!
I already follow you!
Paris gray and Provence are my favorite shades.
I liked Shades of Amber's Facebook page.
Shared about this giveaway on my Facebook page
I have a old medicine cabinet that is tall and has a full glass door, it is a antique and would become a bookshelf/storage. It could use a fun color inside and a neutral on the outside.
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I love the Greek Blue (I think!!! too many choices)
I have a funny little miniature hutch type thingie that I picked up off Craigslist a couple years ago that I'm dying to re-do for our sunroom! This would be perfect and you could share away! I might even try to stage it for you if I'm feeling ultra-ambitious!
Oh my, the possibilities! I have a chair I just got for $5 at a garage sale that needs painting. I have a dry sink in my garage that I want to paint and can't decide on the color. Crossing my fingers for a W!
I already follow you! :)
I already follow shades of Amber blog!
I like shades of Amber on FB! :(
I adore the versilles color!
I would have to find something worthy of this paint but I would Love for you to post it on here!
I follow you!
I'm on a green kick right now and I love the Antibes Green Chalk Paint-I could find so many ways to use this in my home!
I am a follower of your blog and as soon as I saw the projects you did with this paint I desperately wanted some!
I loved so many of the colors on teh website (the old white and duck egg you used were definitely my taste) I also saw one on their blog done with Paris Grey that I really like.
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I shared this giveaway on facebook!/BonnybeeFanPage
I am moving in a few days and have oodles of furniture to refinish! I have several pieces I could use this paint on but would probably start with a short, wide dresser that needs to be repainted to be a focal piece in our new living room. I have a craft blog myself and would be psyched to share my tutorial on your blog!
I am your 2001st follower
my favorite shade is Henrietta Chalk Paint
I follow the Shades of Amber blog.
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I shared on FB TOO!!
I'm a follower of your blog. Doubt I'll win, but it's worth the chance :)
I love antibes green!
I would refinish a long buffett I have sitting in my basement!
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